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Belsebuub and His Work on Self-Discovery

Mark (who writes with the name Belsebuub) is a British-born author who has written a number of books on self-discovery, personal transformation, out-of-body experiences , dreams and spiritual knowledge. He taught spirituality from 1990 to 2010, before withdrawing from public life in 2010. Belsebuub's work described a process of spiritual development that is at the root of many ancient spiritual traditions.

To carry out this spiritual process, Belsebuub said that it is vital to understand ourselves and to study our own inner world of thoughts, emotions, and consciousness, explaining that "if you want to study very spiritual things you have to first begin to understand yourself. If you don't, you'll simply have a belief."

Belsebuub stated that by exploring within, we can begin to develop our consciousness, which is the source of inner peace, wisdom, and mystical experiences. Self-discovery was also explained as a way to learn about and overcome negative inner states such as anger, fear, greed, negativity, and so on. In this way a person could change their whole way of living for the better through gaining self-knowledge.

Belsebuub's methods have been tried by tens of thousands of people from all around the world, with many people citing the powerful impact his work on self-knowledge had on their lives. Practitioners of this work have noted how they were able to overcome addictions or phobias, free themselves from anger or depression, improve relationships with their loved ones, and develop a more spiritual focus for their lives.

Belsebuub's Searching Within Course

In 2001, Belsebuub began running a free eight-week course called, Searching Within. This course was initially developed and published in an online format and soon after began to be delivered as an in-person course as well.

Belsebuub's self-discovery course was a step-by-step guide to exploring one’s own psychology in an objective way in order to gain self-knowledge and to live a more conscious life. Participants of the course were given a topic and exercise to explore each week over an eight-week period.

Course attendees explored how to:
  • Expand and develop consciousness
  • Be in the present moment
  • Observe thoughts and emotions and study their effect
  • Understand and overcome difficult inner states (egos) like anger or depression
  • Overcome addictions
  • Understand dreams and how they can be used for self-discovery
  • Experience inner peace
  • Understand difficulties and problems and what causes them
  • Improve relationships
Image © Belsebuub.com

Belsebuub's Books on Self-Discovery

The Searching Within course initially began with topics and exercises given weekly to attendees in a PDF format. These were later compiled and published as Belsebuub’s book, The Peace of the Spirit Within. The most recent edition of Belsebuub’s work on self-discovery is titled Searching Within.

As with the courses, Belsebuub's self-discovery books covered a wide range of topics, explaining step-by-step how to experience inner peace, expand consciousness, improve relationships, and begin a process of spiritual development.

Belsebuub's Experience with Self-Discovery

Belsebuub had an early interest in spirituality and had many paranormal and psychic experiences as a child. As he grew older he began to attend various spiritual groups, but his search was limited at the time, due to the lack of groups in the town where he lived.

Later on in his early twenties, Belsebuub continued his search for spiritual knowledge, attending many different spiritual groups and eventually discovering techniques for astral travel, self-knowledge, and inner change. He wrote that this allowed him to gain experience beyond the physical world and to receive spiritual guidance while out of his body.

Belsebuub began personally teaching about spirituality in 1990, and in 1991 began a long process of inner change, which he recently completed. Belsebuub wrote about his experiences in his books and on his website, belsebuub.com, where some of his articles, audio recordings, and videos are freely available as a record. He withdrew from all forms of public life in 2010.

About This Site

This site was created as a place for people who attended Belsebuub’s course on self-discovery to share their experiences using his approach. More information about this site and its editors can be found here.

About Belsebuub

Prior to withdrawing from public life in 2010, author Belsebuub had written several books and many articles on the topic of self-discovery. Read more

More Experience Sites

More experiences with Belsebuub's work:
- Dream Guidance
- Mystical Experiences
- Out-of-Body Experiences

Read more about this series of sites here.